NetDania does not guarantee the accuracy of data contained on this website, nor do we guarantee that data is real-time. Data on this website may be provided from OTC market sources and market makers, and not necessarily from exchanges. The provided price data is indicative and may not be appropriate for trading or decision making purposes. NetDania does not assume any responsibility for any losses incurred from the use of the provided data. More promising approach is capitalizing on range contraction. This can be done on most time frames 4H and higher. For example, if daily trading ranges of given currency pair start to get smaller and smaller, it is likely that a larger move will follow. The longer the contraction period, the larger potential move after it. If one has hard time deciding which way to trade, it would be very easy to place a straddle order. Very simple way to implement this strategy is to place the orders just above previous bar's high and under the low. Stop loss could be about half of last bar range, with a target of something like twice the value of stop, or maybe close the position at the end of the time value used. For the weekly bar close would be at the end of the week, daily bars would dictate closing position at the end of the day.

If you are new to forex trading, we really recommend that you start out by reading our education section. Registered Office: 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canada. Add your thoughts about any Tweet with a Reply. Find a topic you're passionate about, and jump right in.

Money transfer companies /remittance companies perform high-volume low-value transfers generally by economic migrants back to their home country. In 2007, the Aite Group estimated that there were $369 billion of remittances (an increase of 8% on the previous year). The four largest markets ( India , China , Mexico and the Philippines ) receive $95 billion. The largest and best known provider is Western Union with 345,000 agents globally, followed by UAE Exchange citation needed Bureaux de change or currency transfer companies provide low value foreign exchange services for travelers. These are typically located at airports and stations or at tourist locations and allow physical notes to be exchanged from one currency to another. They access the foreign exchange markets via banks or non bank foreign exchange companies.

ForexSQ features lists of the top brokers and in-depth information about Equity trading, CFD Trading, Binary Options trading, Spread Betting and of course Forex trading. The site features reviews and comparisons of the various brokers / brokerage houses thus allowing you to research the pros and cons of each before making your decision of signing up with them. In a nut shell, this is one complete site for learning and trading - and I too have been recommending it to those who ask me.

If it comes to major forex markets, London, New York and Tokyo would win hands down. Around 75% of market activities in the New York markets are witnessed in the morning hours while the European markets are still open. And if you want to know when the forex trading is the heaviest, well look for the time when the major markets overlap.


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